
If a QuickTime image still does not appear after installing QuickTime, there are two likely culprits, cache problems or mapping problems. They are easy to fix.

Cache problems

Many browsers use a storage place on your computer called a cache to stash copies of pages you have visited. Then, when you go back to the page, the browser pulls the page from the cache rather than getting the actual page from the actual website. This scheme is meant to speed your internet experience, but it can cause problems. Sometimes the cache will hold an old copy of a page, or even an error message. For example, if you got an error because you needed to download the QuickTime plug-in, and then you downloaded it, when you go back to the page the browser may pull the error message from its cache rather than going and getting the page. Grrrrr. To force the browser to get the real page, select "Reload" or "Refresh" from your browser's "toolbar" or the "View" menu. If this does not work, hold down the option key (Mac) or alt key (Windows) and then select "Reload" or "Refresh" again. If that still fails, select "Edit > Preferences > Advanced", and find the cache settings. Tell it to empty the cache now, quit the browser, and then re-launch it. If you still cannot see the image, you probably have a mapping problem.

Mapping problems

The operating system and the browser associate a plug-in or program with every file type depending on the file name's final letters, or suffix. Most QuickTime files have the suffix ".mov". To get the proper program or plug-in to open a file, the suffix must be mapped to it. In other words, your browser has to be told if it sees a file that ends in .mov, it should use the QuickTime plug-in to open it. Mapping is normanlly done automatically when you install, but it is possible something interefered with the process. Mapping can go wrong at two levels, the operating system or in the browser. Here's how to check.

Mapping on Netscape. Select Edit > Preferences > Navigator > Applications > QuickTime video. Make sure it is "helped by" QuickTime Plug-in. If it is not, click on "Edit" and in "Description" type "QuickYime video", in "MIME" type "video/quicktime", and in "Suffixes" type "qt,mov". Under Plug-ins, select QuickTime. If there is no QuickTime video listing under "Applications", click "New" and enter the info above.

Mapping on Internet Explorer. Select Edit > Preferences > Receiving Files > File Helpers. Sort by "Extension" and scroll down to ".mov". If it is not there click "Add". The "Description" should be "QuickTime Movie". "Extension" should be ".mov". "MIME type" should be "video/quicktime". "File type" is "MooV". "File creator" is "TVOD". "Encoding" is "Binary" for incoming and outgoing. Finally, handling should be set for "View with plugin" and the QuickTime plug-in should be selected from the list. If it is not in the list, it has not been installed!

Mapping on Windows. Right mouse click on the Windows desktop and go down to "Preferences". This will bring up your "display" control panel. Go to Web > Settings > File types and find QuickTime in the list. Click on it to select it then "edit". Now go find QuickTime on the machine usually C:\Windows\Programs\QuickTime. You will now have told Windows to use QuickTime for this file type and not Windows Media Player.

Mapping on a Mac. It is extremely rare to have a mapping problem on a Mac. In any case, just for the health of your Mac it is a good idea to rebuild the desktop once a month. This simple process can cure any number of minor ills, especially mapping problems. To do this, restart the Mac. As it starts to restart, hold down the command (Apple) key and the option key simultaneously. A window will ask you if you want to rebuild the desktop. Click "yes." Depending on the size of your disk, it may take a few minutes.