Viewing Spinography (3D Virtual Reality) with QuickTime. It's free and its easy.
QuickTime is an industry standard multimedia tool and enables you to view lots of the latest greatest multimedia info on and off the web. If you are behind a firewall, it is probably on the approved list so ask your administrator if there is a copy on the local server. Please take a minute to install QuickTime. Once you do, you will see that many sites use it. Just click here to download QuickTime. Follow the on-screen instructions and install the QuickTime plug-in into the plug-ins folder within your browser's folder. If you use more than one browser, let's say you use Netscape, Internet Expolorer, and AOL, you should install it in all three plug-ins folders so it will be ready whenever you need it. If the image still does not appear, click here for tips on troubleshooting. |